Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Tad had a great Christmas! He received way too many presents!! I'll have to post a pic. I also received a great present!! A bike and a bike trailer to take Tad on bike rides! I can't wait to use it. Hopefully I'll be able to take him for a ride this weekend! B really surprised me with the gift. I wasn't expecting it. He got a really nice bike and trailer - better than if I would have picked it out! I'll have to post a pic of it too!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

How sad...

This is how my poor baby looked this morning.

My sick baby!

His 1st Birthday party was today and he was so sick! We ended up taking him to Children's Hospital tonight. He has RSV, pneumonia, and an eye infection. I hope no one that came catches it. Sorry!!

Now I have to hope he gets better soon!! He's so sad looking.

Off to sleep since I just got home from the hospital and it's 1:30 am.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Long time, no type...

Life's been busy!! Can you believe my baby is almost a year old?? Neither can I!!

Any suggestions on a birthday and Christmas gift?? I'm clueless!

I do know what I want!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Something must be wrong!!

Tad had tubes put in his ears Friday and his adenoids removed. Well, everyone said you'll have a completely different child after. I kept telling them my child was already great, I didn't think he could get better. Well - they were right... he's completely different, but not in a good way!! He won't eat... and he wakes up at 2am hungry because he won't eat... This sucks!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tad's First LSU game

Tad watched maybe 5 minutes of the LSU game, but he was excited about the game before it started!

Friday, August 31, 2007


I know it's really early, but this is what Tad's going to be for Halloween. (No, that's not him in the picture.)

No tubes yet

Well the ENT is not ready for tubes yet... The crazy thing is ear that has been infected was still infected yesterday after 4 days of antibiotics... He said it was bad still too!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

My baby's ears...

We are off to see the ENT this afternoon. We are on ear infection #4 in the past four months. The pediatrician said normally kids don't have many during the summer months so we'll probably be getting tubes. As long as it helps his ears, I'll be happy!!

Tad's finally cutting atleast one tooth, maybe two! You can't really see it, but you can feel a little edge. I can't believe he's growing up already. :(

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Push ups

Look I taught my son to exercise early!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Knives aren't nice...

Nope, B was cutting avocados Friday night and yes, cut two fingers... One needed 14 stitches and the other was cautarized (sp??). He's doing alright now. Finally...

Tad's doing better too. He had a sore throat Friday and this weekend. The poor baby was so hoarse. Sad...

Hopefully we'll have an event free week after our long last week!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Scary evening...

Last night on my way home from work, B called and said to hurry because Tad had 102.7 fever. When I got home a few minutes later I felt him and he was burning up so I took his temp again and it was 103.9. He looked out of it. I gave him some Motrin and then a cool/warm bath. I told B if it didn't go down in about an hour we were going to the hospital or calling the doctor. It finally went down, but he still had fever when we got up this morning.

B's aunt watched him today because I had CPE and really couldn't get out of it. He's only drank about 8-10 ounces of formula all day and has probably eaten about 4 ounces of food. I tried Pedialyte, but he won't drink that either. I called the doctor and we have an appointment in the morning. I hope I'm not overreacting by making the appt. He's been on antibiotics since Monday and I thought he'd be feeling a LOT better by now...

He's sleeping now after a 10 minute or more screaming fit while I gave him a breathing treatment. It's been awhile since he's had them and he doesn't like them now. Before he didn't mind, but now he has a different opinion of them!

Well, I'm exhausted too so I think I'll go rest!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wii, wii...

I'm really liking our Wii. Especially, bowling, Chicken Shoot (just got it yesterday) and Big Brain Academy. I really recommend purchasing it if you are thinking about it. It's great for large gatherings and also B and I like to play. I'm thinking we'll bring to Gulf Shores when we go next week.

Sick baby, new truck and busy, busy

My little one has another ear infection. He's still incredibly good even with an earache. Other than the fever and yellow stuff coming out of his nose and couching it up, we'd never know he is sick. The doctor said one more infection and he'll send us to an ENT to discuss tubes. I say let's go now...

Well, we had to get another new vehicle... not what I really wanted to do, but... B hit a pot hole the other day and the air bags exploded in our old Honda Accord. It was going to cost around $1500-2000 to repair not to mention determining if any damage was done to the underside of the vehicle. We had 160,000 miles on the vehicle so we just couldn't see spending more money when it may die anyway... So he got a new truck. It's very nice. I think he's excited!

Other than that, we've been super busy... Next week we are going to Gulf Shores. Yeah! A much needed break!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Oh, my... not a good night of sleep

I don't know what's going on with my child, but he hasn't been sleeping all night for about three weeks now. He wakes up once a night and wants a bottle. How do I break this habit? Do you think he's really hungry or just waking up to wake up? He drinks the bottle and then goes back to sleep, so he must be hungry?? The last two nights when he woke up to eat he would fall back to sleep but when I'd lay him in his bed he's start crying. He seems to have a stuffy nose now too. Maybe that's the problem. Who knows??

Tonight's the big night. If I'm still awake at 12:00 I might go get a Harry Potter book. If not, then I'll just go tomorrow. I'm sure most of you will be finished reading before me. It's hard for me to read fast right now because of child...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Oh Wii!!

I have been debating buying a Wii for a few months. I wasn't sure if I'd use and B said he wasn't sure if he'd play it as my as his Playstation so I kept saying no, it's not worth spending the money. Well, Sunday I decided I wanted to get one. It would be fun to play with B. I go to the store to buy one and no one has them. I couldn't believe it. Well, a national chain store that I don't really like had them online, but you had to buy it as a bundle. That was fine because I would have bought most of the things anyway. It's been shipped and hopefully we have it for the weekend. I'm really excited about it! They are coming out with a dance dance game that uses the wireless remote too. Should be interesting.

This is definitely true!!


FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Always bring the food. And lots of it.

FRIENDS: Will say "hello".
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. More than one.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mom and Dad, and often.

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Cry with you. And for you.

FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing, and just being together. Then do the dishes before leaving.

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. And most of the time know you better than you do yourself.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' back-ends that left you. Then walk beside you in the front of the crowd.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!" If you are not home they will wait.

FRIENDS: Are for a while.
SOUTHREN FRIENDS: Are for life. And then some.

FRIENDS: Might ignore this.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will forward this to all their Southern Friends!

"Life is Short ... Dance Naked & Wiggle Your Butt!"

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Old friends and new ones...

Friday night we had dinner with Kristy, Alan, Un and her husband. Oh, and I forgot the most important ones, Ander, Jeremy and Zachary. We had a great time just hanging out, talking and eating. Burnell and I have get togethers like that almost every weekend, but this was so special because it was with people I've been friends with for so long. We definitely don't get to see enough of each other.

I love my new friends too but something about seeing old friends really touches my heart!

Friday, June 29, 2007


No, not the kind that you eat. I've been watching, "Make Way for Noddy" with Tad. It's my favorite. Don't know why, but I like it. Anyway they have some characters on there called Skittles. I was wondering why they called them that, but didn't know. Well, then I saw Skittles on another cartoon last night. They did the same thing. Fell down when hit. I decided to google them and I found ""

Can someone tell me how to insert one word for the text?? I can't seem to figure it out. Yes, I must be dumb!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Tad is still in his infant seat, but we will be buying a convertible one soon. Any recommendations? We have one for B's car. It's an Evenflo Triumph 5. Just thought I'd get some opinions from those with car seats already.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Can the caveman really be that much cheaper??

We decided to switch insurance companies today. We have been using a pretty big insurance company for a long time, but since we had to go through LA Citizens for our homeowner's insurance we decided to go ahead and switch car insurance to someone else. Well, the caveman saved us $850 every 6 months and we have better coverage. Can you believe that? I'm still asking can it be true??

Monday, June 25, 2007

Cleaning habits, am I obsessed?

I'm just trying to figure out if I clean too much?? Okay, once a week usually on Saturday I clean the whole house which consist of
  • Scrub the bathroom (tub, shower, sinks, toilets)
  • Vacuum and sweep the floors (I have hardwood and tile throughout entire downstairs)
  • Dust anything dustable
  • Put things in their proper places
  • Wipe kitchen counters
  • Mop the floors
  • Wash and fold clothes - put them away

Now daily I make sure things are put away (shoes, toys, mail). I don't do the sorting through junk drawers, organizing but about every few months. When we cook and eat we wash dishes at that time. We may save a few dishes that don't fit in the dishwasher until the next day, but I really HATE doing that. When I go to bed at night I like the kitchen to be clean.

Even after spending all that time cleaning on Saturday I'm sure I'll do the same thing again Friday before Kristy and Un come over on Friday evening.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I feel like Kristy!

Yes, I'm always on the run too. Let's look at yesterday. I woke up at 7:30, feed Tad, then cleaned for about 2-3 hours. I threw some clothes on and then we ran errands until 12:30. Then I feed Tad, tried to put him in his swing for a nap (didn't work) so that I could plant some new flowers to freshen up the flowerbeds because some died. Well, he was crying inside. Of course, when I picked him up, he stopped. I decided maybe he wanted to be outside with me. I put a blanket down and he watched me outside. He LOVED it. I then showered, we ran to the grocery and then it was 3:00 and time for the guest to start arriving. We partied until about 11:00. In between I cleaned the kitchen and outside and by the time I went to bed, my body ached. I think it was from working in the flowerbeds... I know why Kristy and Alan don't like plants, etc... It is a lot of work, but I LOVE mine.

Today, I hope to be a little less busy!

Yeah!! Tad's feeling better and he slept much better the last two nights!! Yeah!! My baby is back!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ahh, hah!! We found the problem!

My child has an ear infection. That's why he's been cranky! Yeah! Not that he has an ear infection but now we know better what to do.

Hopefully, I'll have my pleasant child back soon.

We ran into an incredibly rude person today. This lady walked up to me in the store today. She says, oh, my... how much does your son weigh. I say 16.5 lbs. The lady then ask his age, which I tell her is 6 months. She said oh, my... does the doctor fuss at you because he's too big? I proceed to say no, they said he's perfectly fine. I can't believe this lady said that. I know my son's a little chunky, but I don't think he's fat. The doctor doesn't seem concerned and I've asked if he's too big. We don't feed him too much. Believe me, I check the charts and see if he's eating about what he should be and he's actually eating less than they recommend. What am I to do?? I don't like people telling me these things...

Well, tomorrow we are having a barbeque for some of B's family so I'd better get to bed so I can get everything together tomorrow. Clean house, etc...


Thursday, June 21, 2007

I spoke too soon!!

Last night was horrible. My child did not want to sleep. I think he's teething and maybe that's it. I don't know, but I'm tired today. He fell asleep around 6:30. Then he woke up at 9:30 so I gave him a bottle and he fell back asleep in my arms. I put him back in bed around 10:30 and he was fussy for atleast an hour. We kept trying to get him back to sleep but that wasn't really working. He finally fell asleep. Then around 3:00 it all starts again. After about 30 minutes I just put him in bed with me. At this point I was just tired. He fell asleep in bed with me, so I put him in his pack n play. Up again he was... Then I put him in his swing... he was awake in there too. Crying... He slept for a little while in the swing but was fussy again around 6:00. I sure hope tonight is better...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sleeping baby...

Last night I got home from work a little late. B picked up the baby. When I got home I feed him sweet potatoes and some pears. (He just started eating vegetables.) While feeding him he was falling asleep and it was only 6:00. I didn't give him a bottle because he was falling asleep. I changed him and then put him in bed. Well, he slept until 12:00, drank a bottle and then fell right back to sleep. (Literally I was up about 10 minutes.) He then slept until 7:00 this morning. I miss seeing him at night, but I believe he must need the sleep because he sleeps all night most nights. He usually goes to sleep between 6:30 and 8:00 and sleeps until about 6:00 and 7:00. I did read a book on children's sleep habits and it said they should be sleeping this much and that you shouldn't keep your children awake at night because you want to spend time with them because you worked all day. I'm sticking to it right now because by keeping him up he'd just be grouchy and that's probably not good. (I can't get this post to go to the next paragraph... guess it will be one long paragraph.

Okay, I got it to work now...

So I should be thankful that he's sleeping because I got a lot done tonight. We are having a family barbeque at our house on Saturday evening for one side of Burnell's family. Well, tomorrow we need to cook enough jambalaya for 60 people for church on Thursday. Thursday night we have to go to church to serve the food and then they are having a concert that night. Friday night we have a wedding... That left no time to clean for Saturday. So tonight I was able to clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, sweep the floors, clean the upstairs bathroom (it hasn't been cleaned in forever). It use to be the frog's room but the frog escaped. It's got to be dead by now but we've never found it. Scary at first, but I'm not worried now. So I had to get rid of all the frog stuff in there and clean it. We don't use it much but I want to be able to if I need to go to the bathroom while up there with Tad. His room is upstairs and ours is downstairs....

Yes, my baby sleeps upstairs all by himself. He's evidently doing well so we'll keep things how they are. We have a pack n play in our bedroom in case we need to put him in there, but we usually just use it during the daytime when he naps.

I still need to mop, but I want to do that Saturday morning. I dusted today too and washed a load of clothes. Now it's 9:30 and I'm finally resting for the evening. No, I don't like to sit still... That's just not me.

A friend of mine just finished her thesis and defended it today. Now she's a PhD. Yeah!! She's so happy. I'd be happy too!

Off to bed I go...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day!

Ahh, my baby went swimming with his Daddy for Father's Day. He had a blast!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tooth extraction

Tomorrow I'm having a tooth pulled. I'm not looking forward to it. Plus, I can't eat after 12 tonight and my surgery isn't until 10:45 tomorrow and I'm sure I can't eat anything good after that. Sucks!!

Last night my baby slept much better again. Yeah!! Hopefully he's back on track. Daycare said he's been fussy this week. He's teething and I'm wondering if that's bothering him. He's not fussy at home so I don't know what to tell them. Strange!!

Last weekend B and I came down with a horrible virus. We rented a hotel room downtown because we had a wedding to attend. Tad was sleeping at my parents and we thought it would be a nice night. Well, I was throwing up all night after the wedding and B was sick too. It really was horrible. All day Sunday I spent in bed. I hate when you get sick on your day off. Sucks!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I spoke too soon!

Last night my child decided he was hungry every three hours throughout the night. Ugk!! He even ate cereal twice yesterday. Oh, my... I'm tired today. He woke up once the night before but I thought it was because he had stayed at my parents' house Saturday night and he was out of his routine. I think he may be teething. Hopefully that's the cause of this craziness!!

To work I go...

Friday, May 25, 2007


Well, today I decided I really need to put together a budget. We just waste too much money! I plan on working on it this weekend. Hopefully I can really follow it once I put it in place.

I think I'm going to leave early today. There are very few people in our office working today. B and T are home and that's where I want to be too! We are having a get together at our house on Monday so I need to clean too. It's a BBQ, but I still need my house to be clean. It's not really messy, but the floors need mopping and the bathrooms need cleaning. Just the regular stuff. I really stay on top of the house still with baby. He goes to bed early so I have time after that. I'm not a big television watcher so I have time in the evenings to do things around the house.

I was just thinking today, that having a baby hasn't really been that big of an adjustment for me. I LOVE it! He means the world to me, but my life hasn't changed too much. He's starting to sleep more at night so I'm getting more sleep, which is GREAT! It's a little harder going places now, but that's alright. Now, I can't imagine having another one yet. We can't afford another right now.

Well, I'd better work now!! I'll blog more later...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yeah... sleep!!

Last night Tad slept at our friends until we got home, which was around 9:30. I feed him at 10:00 gave him his breathing treatments and then he slept from 10:30 until 7:00 this morning. He cried once last night but I just gave him his pacifier, turn him to his belly (I know...) and he went back to sleep. I am still in shock!

Yesterday I went to lunch with Kristy. I love that she comes to visit when she's around town. Tad and I are going to Baton Rouge Saturday for JD's birthday party. Hopefully we make it on time. 9:00 is a little early. We had planned on spending the night at Kristy and Alan's but we have two functions on Friday night so that isn't happening. It seems that we have lots going on the next few weeks.

Well, I'm home today sick. Female problem related to the use of antibiotics. Then an allergic reaction to the medicine for that. Not good!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Insulted on my 1st Mother's Day

Yes, at church yesterday an old lady asked if I were pregnant again. Can you believe that??? I know I need to lose a few lbs still, but I didn't think I looked pregnant. Now, I'm determined to lose weight. Yep, that's what I needed. Of course, tonight I can't go walking because it's raining. I could walk on the treadmill, but now it's 8:40 and too late. Tomorrow I'm thinking of doing it before work. Hopefully I can make myself get up!

My first Mother's Day was nice. We went to church, then we went to eat lunch just me, B and Tad. Then we went to look for patio furniture for our deck. That's what I wanted for Mother's Day. Since we have a new house I like presents that are practical. We found some, but haven't bought it yet. We couldn't fit it in our vehicle. Maybe this weekend sometime we can get it.

Tad and I are feeling better. I'm still coughing and blowing my nose a lot, but I feel better. Tad sounded a little wheezy today, but he's feeling better. He even ate cereal today and yesterday. Not a lot, but we are making progress. Yeah!! I'm really in no rush. I figure he's only 4 1/2 months so we still have plenty of time. He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we'll see if he get's his shots and if we'll be going to a pulmonologist or not. Hopefully these new breathing treatments will help!

I have a little mother in law story about this weekend. She was driving me crazy because she kept saying, Tad needs to eat. He's hungry. Look - he's chewing his hands... Well, each time we saw her I had just fed him and he was also spitting up so you could tell he wasn't hungry. He wasn't fussy either. When he's hungry he's usually really screaming to eat! I kept insisting that he wasn't hungry, but she kept saying he wants to eat. Well, I didn't feed him, but I wanted to just scream "Shut up!". I know that's minor compared to others...

Well, I'm tired and my little one is sleeping. I'm hoping he sleeps all night tonight. He's almost there, but not quite. He went to bed late last night so that's part of the problem too. Tonight I feed him at 7:45 then put him in his bed. He put himself to sleep. Yeah!! He's pretty good about that. Now hopefully he'll sleep until atleast 4:30.

I do have a couple of questions... Some are from observations from others with children.

- Do you let your children drink juice? If so, at what age? I didn't think it was advised and I know someone that is doing it at 7 months.
- When you start feeding solids, do you feed cereal at every meal? Again, another observation...
- When did you let your children sleep on their stomachs? Tad really sleeps best on his stomach. He can turn over now and he can scoot.
- He loves this little blankie I got for him. Is it safe to let him sleep with it? Would you?

Thanks for your help!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My prior post was deleted accidently

I had typed a nice long blog the other day and my laptop went into sleep mode because the battery died and I didn't have it plugged in... Well, after that I didn't feel like retyping. It pretty much just told my story of Tad throwing up all over me in a store. I was wondering when something like that was going to happen. Of course he always has extra clothes to change into, but I never do. Luckily I was at a store less than 1/2 mile from my house.

Whenever he gets congested and has a cough he always throws up. It's not good!! He's getting a little better. I hope he is much better before we go to the doctor on Tuesday.

I finally went to the doctor on Thursday. I have a sinus infection. I just didn't think I could go anymore. This was the longest week... working while feeling like you are dying just doesn't go well together. I should have probably went to the doctor and then went home Thursday since I had fever to go along with it, but I knew I had a TON of work to do and I just felt horrible going home. I did cancel going to the charity spelling bee. I had someone else from work take my place. They then blamed me when they couldn't spell pistachio. Yes, they missed that word. I would have been able to spell that one. Don't know about the other ones though.

Today we have a children's birthday party and a couples' shower tonight. Plus, I need to go shopping for a few things. I'm getting ready to go back to bed for a little while. Still tired!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yes, we went to the doctor today too!

Well, Tad had a doctor's appointment today too. He was suppose to be getting shots, but because he's been sick that didn't happen. His rash went away, but now he's congested, coughing and throwing up again. So we went to our scheduled appointment only to learn he has an ear infection (first, which the doctor can't believe this is the first) and he has bronchitis again. So we are doing the breathing treatments still along with antibiotics and a round of steroids. After he finishes with this stuff then it's on to a daily breathing treatment to hopefully prevent him from getting sick. If that doesn't work than it's to a pulmonologist we go. I hope we don't get that far!

Work is still busy. No overtime, but I could work it if I would. Just not ready to right now. I'm focusing on walking and my baby right now...

Plus, I've been sick since Thursday. Yesterday I went to work for a meeting and after being miserable until about 12:30 my bosses said go home... you shouldn't be here. I went home and slept. I feel a little better today.

I feel like we have SOOO much going on in the next few weeks. It's just crazy busy. In a month I'm having a tooth removed. I'm not looking forward to that. It will be about a 6-9 month ordeal resulting in an implant. I hate dental work!!

Thursday I'm in a charity spelling bee. Good thing it's a group thing because I can't really spell well. That's alright. It's for charity!

Well, off to bed. I'm exhausted!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Let's try again!!

I've tried to blog about three times since tax season ended, but never finished it or got interrupted... life goes on...

Today I went to lunch with Kristy. Oh, how I wish we lived closer. Something about old friends and getting together with them. Not that I don't have any friends here, but Kristy and I have been friends forever. I do have a new girlfriend that I'm starting to get close to. It's nice to have someone here to go shopping with, walking with, etc. but I miss Kristy and Alan.

So what have I been doing since tax season? Spending time with Tad! Yeah!! We go walking every night. I LOVE it! I haven't lost any weight yet, but hopefully it will start to happen now that I can concentrate. Didn't help that I ate a TON of chips at lunch today.

My poor baby has a rash all over his arms, legs, feet, and face. We've been to two doctors and they said it's probably a virus. If it doesn't go away by Monday or Tuesday we'll have to go back.

Well, I'll try and post some more good things later. So much has been going on, but I just haven't had time to sit down and write... I'm ALWAYS on the go! A friend of mine said the other day, do you ever just sit down and relax? very seldomly... Probably hard from old friends to understand from someone who slept all the time in high school!

Friday, April 20, 2007

New baby!

Adele' had her baby girl, I think yesterday. Sorry, it's tax season. I can't remember anything else... I know, that's horrible. I know she was induced, ended with a C-section. She weighs around 6lb, 9oz. I think her name is Sydney??? I should have typed this after I talked to her. I suck!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I did something I really didn't want to do!!!

Called a maid! Oh, my... I still can't believe I did it. I'm really upset. I only did it to keep my husband happy. If it were up to me, I'd clean myself. It's only a one time thing I can assure you!! Back to the grindstone...

Friday, April 13, 2007

A new blog...

Yes, I finally made it. I still have to edit it, but that will be after April 24th (tax deadline was extended due to tornadoes...) .

I think I am insane! Last night I worked until 9:00. Then I went to the grocery, came home and did the following: eat, bathe, vaccuum, mop floors twice, put up dishes from dishwasher, load dishwasher, pack bags for Tad (he's staying at my parents tonight because we have a wedding), pack bags for myself, fold clothes and put them away. My plan was to go home and go to bed, but that didn't happen. I even took cough medicine with codeine before I started any of this and I still didn't go to bed until 12:00.

Even though I continue to work 60 hours a week I still have so much that I do at home. I think I'm crazy!