Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yes, we went to the doctor today too!

Well, Tad had a doctor's appointment today too. He was suppose to be getting shots, but because he's been sick that didn't happen. His rash went away, but now he's congested, coughing and throwing up again. So we went to our scheduled appointment only to learn he has an ear infection (first, which the doctor can't believe this is the first) and he has bronchitis again. So we are doing the breathing treatments still along with antibiotics and a round of steroids. After he finishes with this stuff then it's on to a daily breathing treatment to hopefully prevent him from getting sick. If that doesn't work than it's to a pulmonologist we go. I hope we don't get that far!

Work is still busy. No overtime, but I could work it if I would. Just not ready to right now. I'm focusing on walking and my baby right now...

Plus, I've been sick since Thursday. Yesterday I went to work for a meeting and after being miserable until about 12:30 my bosses said go home... you shouldn't be here. I went home and slept. I feel a little better today.

I feel like we have SOOO much going on in the next few weeks. It's just crazy busy. In a month I'm having a tooth removed. I'm not looking forward to that. It will be about a 6-9 month ordeal resulting in an implant. I hate dental work!!

Thursday I'm in a charity spelling bee. Good thing it's a group thing because I can't really spell well. That's alright. It's for charity!

Well, off to bed. I'm exhausted!!

1 comment:

Giftie Etcetera said...

I love the look of your blog. And your quote! I never manage to live by that quote, but you always seem to, and your friends appreciate it (at least this one does). :)