Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 6, 2009

My precious baby!!

Thought I'd attach a picture of my precious son. Okay, I'm a little biased, but I think he's adorable! I can't believe how big he is getting!!!

We had a great 4th of July! I don't have many pictures, but I'll see about posting some more.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello all...

It's been a LONG time since I've updated this blog.

I'm sure everyone knows, I'm pregnant! And we are having a girl!! I'll try and attach a picture.

Last week Tad had croup. This is him sleeping after his doctor's appointment. My poor little man.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Yes, I am a blog slacker!

Lenee thought I should update my blog. Sorry, it's been a crazy month or so. My computer crashed and then I got a new one and it crashed too! Also, Adrianne introduced me to Facebook and that's a TOTAL TIME SUCKER!! I have a few pictures, but not many since my computer is dead right now.

Here goes!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My sick little Taddie do da...

Again... he's sick... He's been on breathing treatments for about a month. Now this weekend he got sick again. We went to the doctor yesterday and now he's taking another round of steriods. He just got off them about 3 weeks ago...

We are going to take him to see a allergist now. Guess we'll see what she has to say. Hopefully, they won't have to stick him too many times. They said they'll do the skin test when we go. That should be really, really interesting.

Monday - he bite someone AGAIN!! I just don't know what to do!! I know he was feeling bad that day. I probably should have kept him home. When he got home his poor little eyes were just so droppy. This morning he seemed much better! After a LONG night...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another biting phase...

I don't know what to do. It's started again. Now it's over sharing toys... His teacher said she's going to work on sharing in the class. I hope that helps. Tomorrow we are going to visit Kristy. We'll have to practice while we are there and see how things go. I haven't experienced a biting episode. I usually tell him to share and he cooperates. I'm not saying the teacher is wrong. I definitely believe her. I just don't really know what to do when he hasn't done it in front of me.

We've definitely got to get him talking more. I think that would definitely help.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My poor sick child

Monday Tad didn't seem himself when I picked him up from school. He was running fever and starting to cough. Tuesday he went to school I told them he slept a LOT the previous night and that he was still coughing. No fever. I get a call at 3:15 that he was running fever and very upset because he wanted to sleep. Burnell picks him up and he was wheezing a LOT. So we start the breathing treatments, more medicine for fever and he sleeps a LOT again. Yesterday I stay home with him. I made a doctor's appointment and we ran to work to get some things for me to do at home.

A few people said he looks fine. Then I start to doubt whether I need to bring him to the doctor. I decide to bring him anyway since I took off and he was home. Well, the doctor listens to his chest and also takes his blood pulse ox. Well... it was really low and his lungs were tight and rattling... The doctor made me give him a breathing treatment in the office because he wasn't worried. Said he could have pneumonia due to the fever and lung thingy...

It's only the beginning of fall, winter, etc... Now he's on a round of steroids, breathing treatments and then preventive breathing treatments daily until this season is over. He's just going to LOVE that... He is hoping the daily preventative will help.

He's not diagnosing asthma because of his age. He's hoping he'll outgrow. I guess if we make it through next summer and next fall he starts again, then he'll send us to a specialist. Who knows... my poor child...

Tonight I laid in my bed with him, we watched cartoons and he feel asleep to the breathing treatment. Then off to his crib he went. Guess that will be out new nightly routine. I think we'll also read books once he gets use to the machine. He LOVES to read short books.

This story should prove to always trust your "mother's instinct."

Thursday, September 25, 2008